On 13th August 2022, on the occasion of organ donation day, Indian Medical Association (IMA) & MOHAN Foundation organized organ donation awareness rally. Dr. Sameer Jahangidar, Secretary of Indian Medical Association (IMA) Nagpur, invited Mr. Bulu Behera to give some insights about organ donation.
Mr. Behera spoke about the concepts of organ donation, types of death, who can donate, discussed the organ donation rate in India as well as other countries, Myths and Facts surrounded by the topic was shared with he audience. He explained the ways how people can associate with MOHAN Foundation and motivated the public to pledge their organs
Many doctors and health care personnels participated in this rally to spread awareness about organ donation. Close to 300 people participated in this rally and 10 of them pledged their organs.
Certain questions asked by the audience were as follows:
1) If someone dies at home, is it possible to donate his organs?
2) To get more information about organ donation, whom should we contact?
3) After a person dies of brain steam death, who in his family can sign the consent form?
We thank Dr. Sameer Jahangidar, Secretary of Indian Medical Association (IMA) and the team of Indian Medical Association, Nagpur for associating with us and organizing this rally.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad