In an effort to promote deceased organ donation in India, MOHAN Foundation is conducting countrywide public awareness programmes and workshops on this very important subject.
A half-day workshop on Deceased Organ Donation was organized at K.R College of Nursing on 26th Sepetember2012 by MOHAN Foundation in Bangalore. Mr. Bino James, Project Manager of MOHAN Foundation, Bangalore addressed the students and explained to them the various concepts related to deceased organ donation. Around 80 students and faculty members from the college attended the programme. The interactive session helped the budding nursing professionals to better understand the concepts on Deceased Organ Donation and develop a right attitude towards this noble cause.
The main topics discussed during the programme were:
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad