On Friday the 20th of July 2018, Quality Assurance Officer Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, Helpline Executive Mr. T. S. Siva Shankar and Intern Mr. Diego Vallejo of MOHAN Foundation held an awareness talk at the Here and Now – The French Institute. The talk was imparted to 14 students and staff of the academy and held in the French language to keep the environment of immersion the school maintains.
It first started with Diego explaining what organ donation is, what can be donated, the concept of brain death, the myths surrounding organ donation, the family’s importance and the story of our beloved Marie Therese Hampart Zoumain. After the presentation was over, the students started asking many questions regarding different aspects about organ donation such as logistical issues and coordination. One question that stood out was about the green ribbons pertinence. Furthermore, they also asked about the systems in other countries where we were happy to explain about the “opt-out” forms of organization. Moreover, we received questions about the activities and history of MOHAN Foundation which they seemed incredibly interested in.
At the end, we were able to obtain their contact details and give away our information brochures and issue donor cards. We expect to have enlightened the students and staff about the reality of Organ Donation and at the same time contributed to their development in the French Language.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad