On 24th December 2015, MFJCF organized an awareness talk at RAJASTHAN COLLEGE, RAJASTHAN UNIVERSITY. More than 300 students attended the Awareness drive.
Many renowned academicians were also part of the Organ Donation Drive,Prof. Amla Batra, Prof. Mathur from Law College and Prof. Amita Sharma, Principal of Rajasthan College keenly understood the cause too.
Mr. Ravi Kamra, Mr. Govind Gurbani, Capt. Amarjeet Sangwan, Dr. Anita Hada Sangwan and Mr. Roshan of MFJCF were welcomed by the Professors and Staff.
Dr. Anita explained the concepts of organ donation and transplantation, discussed about the types of donations, myths related to donation, the Transplant Law of India,
Why cadaver organ donation is needed for our society and facts about brain death.
The students listened in pin drop silence and were especially moved by the donor stories.
Everyone appreciated the presentation. Approx 100 students filled pledge forms and picked donor cards. They promised to work for this noble cause and spread awareness about organ donation in their home town.
The students were very enthusiastic and also clicked pictures with message board “YES, I SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION.”
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad