On 7th August 2019, MOHAN Foundation, in association with Lions Club set up an information desk at an eye screening camp conducted for the students of the Hindu Union Committee Higher Secondary School, run by the government in Choolai.
Ms. Susmitha Gurung and Ms. Angeline Racheal, Interns at the Foundation and students of MMM College of Heath Sciences manned the desk.
The camp which began around 10 AM, at the school premises, had a total of 350 students screened for problems related to eyes. In an interactive session involving the School Principal, Lions Club Committee Members and MOHAN Foundation, the activities of the Foundation to promote the organ donation cause were explained.
A few teachers and the Principal of the school expressed their willingness to pledge their eyes and registered as donors. They were explained about the eye donation process following death and the importance of conveying their wish to donate their eyes to their family members. Brochures containing information related to organ and tissue donation were distributed among those at the camp.
MOHAN Foundation is thankful to Mr. Bhaskar of Lions Club and Mr. A Chellapandian, Principal of Hindu Union School for the opportunity.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad