Students are best in spreading a word about Organ Donation. Continuing with their campaign for Public Awareness, MOHAN Foundation today, conducted an awareness programme with 5th grade students of DRS International School, Hyderabad. The session started from general knowledge about the functions of kidney and liver and the need to keep them healthy, followed by a movie on cadaveric donations. Students were then explained the different types of Organ Donations that can be done.
Students who answered questions on Organ Donation correctly were rewarded with badges. Students were so excited at the end of the session that they requested Mr. Raghuram to come and teach at their school. Many myths about Organ Donation even amongst teachers were dispelled and the teachers hope to take the word forward about Organ Donation by conducting drawing or other competitions in the School.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad