On 28th Nov, 2019, Mrs Jaya Jairam was invited by Mr Kumar Gaurav to conduct an awareness talk at Edelweiss Tokio General Insurance's offices at Kurla (Mumbai).This initiative was part of the campaign 'Zindagi Unlimited' by Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance, in partnership with NGO MOHAN Foundation.
Ms. Shanai Ghosh, CEO & Exec. Director -Edelweiss Tokio General Insurance, spoke about the importance of taking up the cause of organ donation. Mr Abhishek Gupta, Chief Marketing Officer - Edelweiss Tokio Life insurance shared findings of their research study on organ donation which highlighted that while the public was aware of organ donation, not many had knowledge about the process, due to which most of the public ended up not committing to the cause.
Mrs Jaya Jairam then shared her own story of how her life was saved by her mother who donated her kidney when she was ailing with end stage kidney failure and quality of life was deteriorating drastically. She also discussed a few myths and the facts, thereby encouraging discussions amongst the employees.
Around 200 employees attended the session, which was also aired by News Channel CNBC at
Link: https://youtu.be/2eAOVOR-s7k. Nearly all took the online pledge in support of the cause.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad