MFJCF conducted an awareness session on Organ Donation at Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur on 1st May 2024. Mr. P.C. Jain and Mr. Ajay Gupta (MFJCF member) explained to students of BPT, and other courses about Organ Donation.
This was a nice gathering of students under NSS activity. Students asked their queries concerned to the topic. Speaker diligently spread the knowledge by asking them about current news headlines and hot topic regarding organ trafficking. Detailed them why, such situation occurred and explained due to lack of cadaver organ donation, the current situation took place in Rajasthan of Organ trafficking.
After completion of the session, some students also took the pledge of organ donation by scanning the QR code. OD cards were been distributed to all along with sharing of helpline no. Speaker also explained the students regarding online course run by MOHAN Foundation
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad