On 25th July 2016, Government Medical College, Nagpur, invited MOHAN Foundation to speak about organ donation to the outpatients. Mrs.Chiya Jadhav arranged the stall where MOHAN Foundation displayed information brochures, donor cards, standees and a banner. Mr. Bulu Behera & Ms. Kanchan Shewde Transplant coordinators managed the stall.
Information given to outpatients:
Types of deaths and organ and tissues donation
Living donations
Waitlists and hospitals that do transplants in Nagpur
Value of a donor card
MOHAN Foundation activities
Helpline number & MOHAN Foundation Website
25 patients and their relatives visited the stall. After understanding about organ donation, 15 people took consent form & 2 people signed consent form and took donor card, other will sign the consent form after discussing with their family.
Questions asked by visitors.
Who is head of the MOHAN Foundation and in Nagpur?
Is there financial support by MOHAN Foundation?
Cost for kidney transplant in Nagpur.
What benefit does MOHAN Foundation get if there is a successful Organ donation?
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad