On 18th March 2016, drivers at the Regional Transport Office (RTO), Nagpur were given a talk on organ donation by MOHAN Foundation. This was done at the request of Dr. D. T. Powar, the Regional Transport Officer a great supporter of the cause.
Mr. Bulu Behera delivered gave a PPP on Organ donation. Mr. Bulu explained the two types of death and organ donation. He gave examples of cases in Nagpur, where the families of Nagpur were heroic in giving their consent for organ donation after the death of a family member and thus saving lives. He clarified the common myths related to organ donation.
He then explained the role of MOHAN Foundation, ZTCC Nagpur and the information sources such as the helpline and the website.
It was a very interactive session. Approximately 42 persons were present during the talk. 17 drivers took the consent forms, and said they will discuss with their family members then sign consent form.
Participants asked following questions:
Is Commercial dealing possible in organ donation?
In the case of brain death which organs can we donate?
What are the age criteria for organ donation?
Is MOHAN Foundation providing financial help for organ donation?
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad