Digital Awareness Session on Organ Donation at Fiserv India Private Limited
United Ways, the CSR partner of Fiserv India Private Limited invited MOHAN Foundation to conduct an awareness talk for Fiserv's employees, on 20th Aug 2020.
Ms Jaya Jairam, the centre heda at MOHAN Foundation Mumbai addressed the participants and they were sensitized about organ donation. The concepts, process and the need for awareness about the topic, were shared. The general barriers to mindset, resulting in low organ donation rate were discussed. Some common myths relating to organ donation were busted and facts shared. At the end of the session, a few of the employees raised a few queries, which were answered by Ms. Jaya Jairam.
Around 66 employees participated in the awareness session. They were all encouraged to take the pledge to donate their organs by signing up for the donor card and thereafter discuss this pledge with their family members.MOHAN Foundation is grateful to Fiserv and United Ways of Mumbai for facilitating the awareness session.
Source-Dr Jimmy