On October 12, 2019, the Delhi chapter of Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) Yi (Young Indians) invited Ms Pallavi Kumar to an event at The Lalit and offered her an Honorary Membership.
Young Indians (Yi) is an integral part of CII. It was formed in 2002 as a PAN India platform for young Indians to realise the dream of a developed nation. Through its programs and initiatives, it reaches out to millions of youth across the country with the clarion call to action of 'We Can, We Will'. It is one of the founders of the G20 Young Entrepreneur's Alliance & Commonwealth Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (CAYE - A).
The Yi membership includes young progressive Indians between the age group of 21 & 40 and comprises entrepreneurs, professionals and achievers from different walks of life. However each year it inducts honorary members that are contributing to the society and can inspire the young members. Yi's work is divided primarily into three groups; Youth Leadership, Nation Building and Thought Leadership Under Nation Building, the CII Yi have taken up the cause of organ donation and the Delhi chapter will partner with MOHAN Foundation to create awareness on this crucial lifesaving cause.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad