On 12th September 2014, Service Medical Centre, Air Force Station, Avadi invited MOHAN Foundation to educate their cadets about Organ Donation. This programme was coordinated by Mr. S. P. Thomas. 40 cadets were present for the session.
An hour’s session on Organ Donation was conducted by Ms. S. Kavitha, Marketing Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation. She gave a talk on the following topics with the help of a PowerPoint presentation:
Concepts of Brain Death and Organ Donation
Live and Cadaver Donation
Organs that can be transplanted
Importance of counsellors
About MOHAN Foundation Activities
Information sources – the website and helpline number
Real life case studies were discussed to highlight the importance of Deceased organ donation.
After the session many questions were raised by the group
All the queries were answered, they appreciated the Coordinator for the presentation and announced that same kind of session will arranged for all members of Air Force Station members on 12th October 2014.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad