A CME (Continuing Medical Education) programme on brain death and deceased organ donation was held for the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISSCM), Bhubaneswar chapter on 16th February 2015 at Suryansh Hotel, Bhubaneswar.
Dr. Banambar Ray, Critical Care Specialist, Apollo Hospital was instrumental in organizing the meeting to which MOHAN Foundation faculty was invited. There were 15 Critical Care Specialists who attended the meeting. Dr. J. C. Mishra, President and Dr. Saroj Pattnaik, Secretary, ISCCM, Bhubaneswar chapter were also present.
The CME started with a talk on the legal aspects pertaining to brain death and deceased organ donation by Dr. Sumana Navin, Course Director, MOHAN Foundation. She spoke about the inclusion of intensivists in the panel of medical experts certifying brain death and “required request.” Dr. Rahul Pandit, Senior Consultant, Intensive Care, Fortis Hospital, Mumbai and Secretary, ISCCM, Mumbai chapter, spoke on the diagnosis of brain death, pitfalls and problems and on the maintenance of a potential brain dead donor. Dr. Pandit said that ISCCM was coming up with two statements – one on donor maintenance protocol and the other on the process of declaring brain-stem death. He also shared his experiences with donor families in Australia and India. A film on best practices in approaching families for organ donation from the NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), UK was screened. This film was made available to MOHAN Foundation through a MoU with NHSBT. Mrs. Lalitha Raghuram, Country Director, MOHAN Foundation shared with the audience the important role that critical care specialists and intensivists had played in her counseling experience. There was a Q & A session after this. One of the questions was about disconnecting the ventilator of a brain dead patient when the family declined organ donation. Dr. Pandit was of the opinion if one had the support of the family, the hospital management and peers it could be done. The meeting ended with a summing of the evening’s programme by Dr. Banambar Ray.