An awareness session was organised in which Ms. Sujata Ashtekar, Transplant Coordinator, Ms.Meera Suresh, Treasurer, Federation of Organ & Body Donation and Ms.Jaya Jairam, MOHAN Foundation conducted the session for around 400 students of KEM Hospital, Mumbai from various departments on 31st August 2016.
Ms.Sujata Ashtekar introduced the concept of organ donation. She spoke about the history of organ donation, the need for it and she covered the basic concepts of organ donation such as cardiac death, brain death etc.
Ms. Meera Suresh spoke about skin donation and the need for the same. She also spoke about the procedures being simple and low level of awareness among people.
Ms. Jaya Jairam shared her own life story of how life was seriously challenged when she was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure. She explained to the audience how the quality of life got severely compromised and she also shared the dilemmas that she and her family faced during this phase. She then spoke about how her mother donated one of her kidneys to her and that was the most wonderful gift for her - The Gift of Life.
She went on to share that this is what had motivated her to further the cause of organ donation and thereafter she made an appeal to the crowd to not only pledge their organs but also to spread more awareness within their own circles of family and friends.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad