On 05.07.2018, Zawar Mines Office, Udaipur, Rajasthan after the successful event of organ donation talks at various cities of Jaipur, Rajasthan DainikBhaskar and Hindustan Zinc organized a road show cum awareness talk for the people who are working under the banner of Hindustan zinc. Knowledge Partner of these initiative MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum- Navjeevan (MFJCF) members was invited to deliver the talk.
Firstly an organ donation message studded van roamed around the area and spread information about the organ donation using posters and LED television.
More than 50 miners and staff attended the session and got the vital information about organ donation.
Col. LokeshShukla and Mrs. Shukla represented the MJFCF team. Mr. Hitesh Joshi (Representative DainikBhaskar) and HOD welcomed MFJCF team members and invited Col. LokeshShukla to deliver the talk.
Some questions were asked by the activists and answered by MFJCF Members.
1. How you people contact our family at the time of my death?
2. What if I agree to donate organs but my husband denies?
After the session staff took the donor cards and guests posed with organ donation message board "I SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION"
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad