On 3rd October 2018, MOHAN Foundation’s Mrs. Jaya Jairam and Mr. Akash Salve were invited by UBS Business Solution, Airoli, Navi Mumbai for conducting an awareness talk on Organ donation.
UBS representative introduced MOHAN Foundation as an NGO working for deceased organ donation since the past 20 years.
Ms. Jaya Jairam thereafter took the dais and explained that MOHAN foundation is an acronym for “Multi Organ Harvesting Aid Network”. She shared its mission and objectives and then started explaining about what organ donation is, when, who, why and how it can be done. She also explained the law and entitiesin Maharashtra.
She briefly focused on the need of organs, India’s organ donation rate, Brain Steam Death, how to diagnose and certify and who can certify, types of donation religious barrier and myths related to organ donation.
About 40 members attended the program and were distributed information brochures. Questions such as what is coma and how it is different from brain death were asked. Ms. Jaya Jairam answered all their queries.
She also shared her own personal story of how she overcome her own kidney failure after she underwent a kidney transplant.
We are grateful to Mr. Augustine Dalbhanjan, CSR head of UBS Business Solutions and member for supporting the cause of Organ Donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad