Awareness program was organized at Samod Panchayat, Govindgarh, Jaipur office by MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum -Navjeevan team on 26.04.2018, with the aim of making aware of the organ donationt to people of Samod Panchayat.
Mr. Govind Gurbani and Mr. Pawan Kumar Dubey represented the MFJCF team!
Mr. Dinesh Chandra Chaturvedi (Sarpanch) and Mr. Avdhesh Sharma (General Secretary) with 35 villagers participated in the program.
MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum -Navjeevan members described the concept of brain death and organ donation through presentation and video and Villagers were highly appreciated their efforts.
During the program the villagers asked questions and gave satisfactorily answered by MFJCF -Navjeevan team -
1. Is there age limit to pledge for our organs?
2. What is the age limit for eye donation after death?
After the program, all villagers took the donor card and posed with the message board "I SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION".
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad