Awareness talk on Organ Donation at Rajasthan College

Updated on Saturday, February 11, 2017
  • On 09-02-2017 MFJCF- Navjeevan team conducted an awareness talk on Organ Donation at Rajasthan College, Jaipur. 300 NSS (National Social Service) students and 6 faculty members attended the programme.

    Mr. Prabodh Chand Jain, Dr. Amla Batra, Mrs. Seema Malhotra and Roshan Bahadur represented Navjeevan team. 

    MFJCF spokesperson Mr. Prabodh Chand Jain and Dr. Amla Batra described the concept of organ donation and cadaveric organ transplantation with the help of PowerPoint Presentation.

    After the talk students and faculty members asked different questions like

    What is the procedure of organ donation and is it legal or not?

    Who declares Brain Dead to Patient?

    What if family members are against the organ donation?

    All the satisfactory answers were given by the spokesperson. After the talk 300 students took the Donor Card and got the photographs clicked with message board “YES I SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION” promised to spread the awareness for the noble cause. 

    Source-Mr Roshan Bahadur
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