A unique initiative was taken by MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum-Navjeevan team to conduct awareness on organ donation with the collaboration of DainikBhaskar and Hindustan Zinc. An awareness talk on organ donation was held at Navatli village, Zawar Mines, Udaipur,Rajasthan on 05.07.2018.
More than 30 villagers attended the session and got sensitized about the noble cause.
Mrs. Hitesh Joshi, Representative DainikBhaskar and Mrs. Aruna, Representative Hindusthan Zinc Limited welcomed Col. LokeshShukla and Mrs. Shukla and invited Col. LokeshShukla to deliver the talk.
With the help of PowerPoint presentation and video based on brain Col. LokeshShukla described the concept of organ donation which was highly appreciated by the students.
Some questions were asked during the session and answered by member.
1. Why do we need to donate our organs?
2. Is brain death and coma are the same?
After the session audience promised to spread awareness about the noble cause among friends and family members. 30 people picked up the donor cards.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad