On 29th August 2022, MFJCF was invited by NAV Office to conduct an awareness talk on organ donation and transplantation for their employees.
Dr. Anita Hada, Project Director, MFJCF conducted the talk. Shri Rajiv Arora also addressed the audience and Mrs. Bhavna Jagwani shared the story of Mohit, first organ donor of Rajasthan. Mr. Anil Baxi, and Rtn Capt Amarjeet Sangwan were present. A total of 500 employees attended the talk. Around 150 people took pledge as an Organ Donor.
She talked about the following points:
The National Organ Donation Helpline number, 1800 103 7100 was shared with the participants. Around 100 employees picked up their donor cards.
MFJCF is thankful to Mr. Anil Agarwal and Mrs. Divita Agarwal for inviting us to conduct the talk.