MOHAN Foundation was invited by the Police Training College, Ashok Nagar, Chennai for an awareness program on Organ Donation for the 30 Special Sub Inspectors and Head Constables of various districts from Tamil Nadu. This was part of their Refresher Training Program and the session was conducted on 23rd August 2018 from 2pm to 3pm. Mr. Ruban Victor, Transplant Coordinator and Mr. T. S. Siva Shankar, Helpline Executive of MOHAN Foundation conducted the session.
Before the start of the session the participants were given a pre survey form to check their knowledge on Organ Donation and they were asked if they had any experience on an Organ Donation case. They have heard of Organ Donation but didn’t have any experience.
Mr. Siva Shankar started the Concepts of Organ Donation session with the organs that can be donated; donation at the stages like while living, after Cardiac Death and after Brain Death. He further explained about Brain Death, what it is, how it happens and the certification process. He stressed on the law (Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994) enacted by the Government of India on Organ Donation. He made a brief explanation on the age criteria on Organ Donation.
The session was then continued by Mr. Ruban Victor on the Role of Police on Organ Donation. He first asked a question on “who plays a major role on Organ Donation”? There were many answers and at last they answered Police. Then he explained about the need of police during the organ donation case in a hospital. He explained the role of police with a case discussion based on a donation coordinated by him in Rajiv Gandhi Government General hospital.
He explained the forms that were used during the case and the forms that the police officials will be given by the transplant coordinator.
The session went on for 1 hour and there were numerous queries. Every query was answered by Mr. Ruban Victor. At the end posters on “Role of Police in Organ Donation” for police were distributed so that they can paste it in their stations.