On 22nd December 2018, MOHAN Foundation Mumbai was invited by Ms. Indumati Thakker, Principal of PJB National School, Palaspe, to conduct an awareness talk on Organ Donation for the parents of its students.
Ms. Indumati Thakker began the session by stressing the importance of organ donation and how dismal the present status is in India. Thereafter she invited Ms. Jigisha Yadav to share more on organ donation.
Ms. Jigisha Yadav introduced MOHAN Foundation, its mission, objectives and history. She asked the audience what came to their minds when they thought of giving a gift to others. She correlated the feeling with donating one’s Organs after death and giving a few others the gift of life.
The procedure of Organ donation, retrieval & transplantation were all explained. Types of death, organs and tissues that can be donated, difference between brain death and coma and the myths and facts relating to organ donation were covered.
Around 180 parents had attended the session. They were asked to share their thoughts and decision regarding organ donation, with their loved ones.
We are grateful to Mr. Bhoir, Trustee and Ms. Indumati Thakker, Principal for inviting us and supporting the cause of Organ Donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad