On August 12, 2015 MOHAN Foundation was invited to deliver a talk on organ donation by the School of Dental Sciences, Sharda University in Greater Noida. The session was attended by the faculty and students of the department. The session was made possible through the initiative and enthusiasm of Dr. Rahul Singh, Faculty, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontic'
School of Dental Sciences (SDS) formerly known as Hindustan Institute of Dental Sciences was established in the year 2006. Now, part of Sharda University, it envisions an ambience of excellence, inspiring, value based education, research and development. The program was held under the advocacy of Dr Jagadeesh H G, Principal, Professor & Head, School of Dental Sciences.
The session was conducted by Ms Pallavi Kumar with support from Ms Chaitanya Jonker.. Ms Pallavi started the session by asking the present audience about their awareness regarding organ donation and the concept of brain death. She talked about the organ donation rates and the types of donation. As the session went further, explained about the transplantation act and discussed
brain death in details.
A 5-minute video on brain death was shown when the concept of brain death was being addressed.
The concept of eye donation was given special mention and how each of us could contribute towards the cause was also stressed upon. Later, in the end, myths related to organ donation were clarified.
Around 32 students and faculty members were present for the session in all and 28 donor cards were picked.