Awareness session at Kendriya Vidyalaya, CLRI

Updated on Friday, July 1, 2022
  • MOHAN Foundation team conducted  two awareness talks in Kendriya Vidyalaya CLRI  (Central Leather Research Institute), Chennai on July1, 2022. The team consisted of Mr. Vemu Siva Ram,  Ms. Lakshya Leo Gerald  and Mr. Pranav Sridhar - Interns, and Dr. Hemal Kanvinde - Quality Assurance Officer at MOHAN Foundation.

    The team had arrived at the school at 8AM. After meeting with Mr. Y Rama Prasad, Principal, KV CLRI and Ms. Sheeja Vinod, PGT Biology, The team had received the permission to go ahead with the program in the primary resource room of the school premises. 

    The first batch of students were students from class 12. The team was introduced in brief to the students by Ms. Sheeja Vinod. Then Dr. Hemal initiated the presentation with a few interesting questions for the students to ponder upon. Then the mic was handed over to Mr. Siva Ram. All the concepts of organ donations were discussed and myths relating to organ donation were cleared by Mr. Siva Ram. The students were very interactive throughout the session. By the end of the session, two quizzes were conducted, the first by Mr. Siva Ram and the second by Dr. Hemal to test the knowledge and attentiveness of the students and to clarify any further doubts the students would be having. This marked the end of the first session. 

    The second session, which was for the students of class 10, began with another positive note by Ms. Sheeja Vinod. After a brief introduction by Dr. Hemal, Mr. Siva Ram took over and explained the concepts of organ donation. It was yet another productive session for both the students and the staff present there. Another quiz session was conducted, dividing the class population into two groups to increase competitiveness. 

    The children raised interesting doubts such as, why an organ cannot be sold, whether a person having diabetes or AIDS or cancer can donate his organs. Dr. Hemal and Mr. Siva Ram clarified all the doubts the students raised with utmost patience. Around 180 students attended the awareness talk. 

    After the end of the second session, the MOHAN Foundation team, along with Ms. Sheeja Vinod met Mr. Y Rama Prasad in the principal’s office and thanked the management of KV CLRI for conducting a productive event. 


    Source-Siva Ram Vemu
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