In Mogappair East, Chennai, Raghavi Hospital is a reputable medical services providing specialised services, treatments and consultation for new-born care, child specialist and general paediatrics. Dr. Balamani, the hospital's in-charge, readily accepted MOHAN Foundations request for an awareness session on organ donation for the staff.
On February 9th 2023, an awareness program on Organ Donation and Transplantation was conducted for 10 staff of Raghavi hospital (Staff Nurses, Lab Technician and House keeping team).
Ms. Vijaya Lakshmi (Intern of MMM College of Health Scinces HS College ) introduced herself to begin the session. She then gave a brief explanation on organ donation, transplantation, natural death (cardiac death), brainstem death, myths surrounding organ donation and facts about each.
Ms. Arshiya Fathima, a helpline counsellor for the MOHAN Foundation, brought this session to a close. She talked about Helpline and both the Gift of Life and the Transplant Coordinator courses. She also answered the questions.
MOHAN Foundation thank the participants and special thanks to Dr. Balamani for giving this wonderful opportunity.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad