Government Ayurveda College, Raghuji Nagar, Nagpur, conducted awareness of organ donation for their doctors and students. The occasion was a meeting of the National Integrated Medical Association (NIMA) Women’s forum, Nagpur. The Guest of Honor Dr. Narayana Bhende, Principal of the College, Guest Speaker Dr. Ravi Wankhede, Director of MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur, Chief Guest Dr. Mukkawar and Dr. Ravindra Bothere the Chief Advisor of NIMA graced the occasion.
The awareness session was organized by Dr. Meenakshi Sartakar for doctors & students. On 15 July 2017.This were for Ayruveda College, Nagpur. Dr. Pravati Rane President of NIMA Women’s forum welcomed the dignitaries and Dr. Shanti Dash Kunge introduced Dr. Wankhede.
Dr. Wankhede explained for following points in his talk
1. What is Organ Donation and the Law?
2. Who can donate organ?
3. Type of organ donation.
4. Brain Death Natural Death and Coma.
5. Myths related to Organ donation.
6. Deceased donation case in Nagpur.
7. Kidney transplant hospital in Nagpur.
8. Importance of Donor card, Helpline number and website.
It was a very interactive session. 50 doctors and students were present. 2 doctors signed consent form and took donor card.
Audience asked following points:-