As a fitting memorial to the former chairman of AMM Foundation, late A M M Arunachalam, a hospital was founded in the year 2000 with a part funding by the Government of Japan. This hospital at Nellikuppam Cuddalore District serves the rural population spread across 75 villages in the Cuddalore - Panruti belt. This hospital provides effective medical care with subsidized cost. Recently they opened up a dialysis unit with 18 beds and 4 dialysis technicians. The unique feature of the hospital is the weekly cost free yoga sessions for the general public. This hospital serves about 300 patients per day.
As a consequence of an awareness program conducted in AMM Foundation, Office Chennai, the management led by Mr H. Narayanan, Chief Executive wanted a similar session for the employees of the AMM Arunachalam Hospital. An Awareness Program was organized on May 6, 2022 for 32 healthcare workers of AMM Foundation. Mr Veeramani, Administrative Executive of AMM Arunachalam Hospital, helped to organize the program and was behind the success of the event.
Mr. Ganesh C, Marketing Coordinator, explained in brief the importance of Organ Donation and Transplantation, the role of Transplant Coordinator and Organ Donation Helpline. The session was interactive and informative. The employees agreed to spread awareness on Organ Donation and the Helpline. The employees in dialysis unit showed interest in pursuing Transplant Coordinator Course.
MOHAN Foundation thanks the AMM Foundation and the Hospital management for this opportunity.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad