On 24th December 2013, an awareness talk on organ donation was organized by Mr. Arun P. S, National Service Scheme (NSS) Programme officer, Govt. Vocational Higher Secondary School, Kadakkal, Kollam. The NSS unit of 2013-14 had their annual camp from 22nd to 28th December.
They incorporated charitable works for society, awareness classes in different subjects, initiate discussion on current affairs and arts and cultural programmes during the seven days. The camp was inaugurated by Prof. B. Sivadasan Pillai, Chadayamangalam, Block Panchayat president.
On 3rd day of the camp, Organ Donation was a topic for an awareness talk. Mr. Aneesh P. V, Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation, deputed to Mrithasanjeevani, Kerala, conducted the session on organ donation. The topics discussed during talk were: The role of Mrithasanjeevani, what is organ donation, importance of organ donation, types of donation, brain death, coma and natural death, religious myths on organ donation, Mrithasanjeevani and KNOS registry and importance of donor card.
The programme was held at Govt. Town LP School Kadaikkal, Kollam. Around 40 students and 2 teachers participated in the programme.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad