On 20th May, 2016, MOHAN Foundation was invited by the Commandant, Col. M.K Sharma N.C.C. Chandigarh, to conduct an awareness talk for their N.C.C. Cadets and J.C.Os. The groups of students were from Chandigarh Schools, Govt & private. The cadets were very much aware about Organ Donation. Some of them, we must have addressed during our school coverage. They were very enthusiastic about organ Donation. Around 582 cadets and J.C.Os participated in the program.
Audiences were given an introduction by Mr. Dewan and presentation on Organ Donation and Brain Death by Deepika Arora. It was indeed and amazing session as participants asked various questions on organ donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad