On 29th July 2016, MOHAN foundation was invited by Ms. Mamta Sharma Assistant Professor, State Council of Educational Research & Training, Chandigarh to conduct an awareness session for their new recruited JBT teachers, which was part of a 20 day long training session. Around 40 teachers from different schools participated in this session. They invited the Foundation on the advice of Ms. Bhawna Garg, IAS, Secy. Finance & Director, Social Welfare Department, Chandigarh.
This was MOHAN Foundation’s major breakthrough, working in collaboration with Chandigarh Administration.
Teachers were given an introduction and presentation on Organ donation by Mr. Sudhir Dewan and Deepika Arora. The Myths and Misconceptions associated with organ donation were discussed and cleared. The entire group of teachers got so involved that they pledged to support the organ donation Movement in a big way.
Teachers asked following questions :-
Are there any commercial dealings after organ donation?
Why does the body reject an organ after transplantation?
Why do hospitals charge so much for an organ transplant?
40 Brochures were picked up by Teachers.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad