MOHAN Foundation was invited by Mrs. Kamakshi, President of Senior Citizen Forum, Scecunderabad to talk on Organ Donation to the senior citizens on 7th April, 2014.
It was their regular monthly gathering and Mrs.Kamakshi, President, felt it would be a good idea to spread the awareness on Organ donation among them in this gathering.
Dr. Bhanu Chandra, MOHAN Foundation elucidated about Blood donation, Corneal donation, Body donation and Organ donation, and also concept of Brain death, THO1994 act, Myths involved in Organ donation and Donor card.
Around 70 members attended the talk.
After the session, participants were clarified many queries about Organ donation, Brain death, THO 1994 act, Organ Harvesting and Transplantation procedures.
Mr. Bhaskar, MOHAN Foundation distributed information brochures and donor cards to the senior citizens.