On 29th December 2021, MOHAN Foundation was invited by Dr. Sumita, NSS Program Officer, to conduct an awareness talk on organ donation for their NSS Students. Around 45 students from class 12th attended the session.
At the beginning of the session, NSS volunteers welcomed all the participants. They invited Ms. Neha Sharma Katoch to begin the session. She began asking few questions to students that which organs can be donated while living? Most of the students were aware about kidney transplant.
Participants were given an introduction and presentation on organ donation and brain death.
In this talk, she explained the following points: -
At the end, NSS volunteers gave the vote of thanks on behalf of NSS, Mount Carmel Schoool and thanked Ms. Neha for the greatly informative session. On behalf of the audience, she thanked MOHAN Foundation and Ms. Neha for sharing with student’s information on a topic of great importance and relevance.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad