Awareness Talk on Organ Donation at Lord Buddha Foundation, Khandeshwar, Navi Mumbai

Updated on Wednesday, January 9, 2019
  • On 3rd January 2019, MOHAN Foundation Mumbai was invited by Lord Buddha Foundation for receiving a Savitri Bai Phule award on occasion of Savitri Bai Phule Jayanti.

    Mr. Ketan Gaikwad, Founder of Lord Buddha Foundation had invited 12 socially participating women who had contributed to various social causes. Mrs. Jigisha Yadav from MOHAN Foundation was also invited for the event.

    Mr. Ketan Gaikwad presented Mrs. Jigisha Yadav with the award and asked her to give detailed information about the cause of Organ Donation.

    Mr. Ketan Gaikwad introduced MOHAN Foundation as an NGO working passionately for deceased organ donation past 20 years.

    Mrs. Jigisha Yadav thereafter took the dais and explained that MOHAN Foundation is an acronym for “Multi Organ Harvesting Aid Network”. She shared its mission and objectives and then started explaining about the process of organ donation. She beginned by explaining who, why and how can one donate their organs. She also explained the THOA law related to organ Donation.

    She briefly focused on the need of organs by elaborating about the patient on the waiting list for organs and also stated the statistics ofIndia’s organ donation rate by giving the example of Mr. Vilas Rao Deshmukh, Former CM of Maharashtra. She then explained about the concept of Brain Steam Death, how to diagnose and certify and who is authorized to certify. She also explained about the religious barrier and myths related to organ donation.

    About 70-80 members attended the program. Mrs. Jigisha Yadav asked audience to take online pledge and express their wish of Donating their Organs to their family. Questions such as what is difference between Body donation and organ donation were asked. Mrs. Jigisha Yadav answered all their queries.

    We are very grateful to Mr. Ketan Gaikwad and the whole team of Lord Buddha Foundation for supporting the cause of Organ Donation.

    Source-Dr. Jimmy Gupta
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