On 12th April 2018 MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum- Navjeevan (MFJCF) team members were invited to deliver a talk on organ donation for the students in the auditorium of university premises of Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre (JECRC)
Mrs. Ranju Jain, Mr. P. C.Jain and Mr. Roshan Bahadur represented the MFJCF- Navjeevan Team.
Dr. Ruchi Seth, NSS Coordinator JECRC University welcomed MFJCF- Navjeevan members with the floral bouquet.
More than 150 NSS Students attended the session and got sensitized about organ donation.
Mrs. Ranju Jain and Mr. P. C.Jain gave presentation on brain death and organ donation which was highly appreciated by the students.
Some questions were asked during the session and answered by the MFJCF- Navjeevan members were:
1. How can we pledge for our organs?
2. Can somebody jump the waiting list because of his/her financial status?
3. Can a cancer patient donate his/her organs after death?
After the session all students took the donor cards and promised MFJCF- Navjeevan team to spread awareness among friends and family. Students and teacher also posed with organ donation message board "I SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION".
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad