MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum- Navjeevanwith the collaboration of DainikBhaskar and Hindustan Zinc Limited. (Knowledge Partner for this awareness campaigning) conducted an awareness talk on organ donation at Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School, Railmagra, Rajsamand, Rajasthan on 14 Jul 2018
More than 70 students of class 11 and 12 and staff members attended the session and got sensitized about the noble cause.
Mr. Govind Gurbani and Mr. Ujjawal Pandey represented the MFJCF- Navjeevan Team.
Mr. Surendra singh, Mr. Ramswarup, Mr. Lalchand (Representative Dainik Bhaskar) and Mrs. Usha Tailor (Principal) welcomed Mr. Govind Gurbani and Mr. Ujjawal Pandey invited them to deliver the talk.
During the session some questions on the following topics were asked and answered by the team :-
1. How can we register for organ donation?
2. Are there any benefit provide to Donor family?
3. What is the use of donor card?
After the session all students posed for a picture with message "I SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION"
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad