MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum- Navjeevan team conducted an awareness talk on organ donation at Dodhsar Panchayat, Jaipur on 17.05.2018.
More than 25 people attended the session and got vital information about organ donation.
Mr. Govind Gurbani and Mr. Pavan Kumar Dubey represented the MFJCF team. Mrs. Rajni Kumawat and Mr. Surendra Singh Chopra (Secretary) welcomed MFJCF-team and thanked them for conducting awareness talk at Panchayat.
During the presentation Mr. Govind Gurbani covered the following points
1. Opt in Vs opt out system in organ donation
2. Organ donation and tissue donation
3. Misconception about organ donation
After the session all the villagers and took the donor card and posed with message board "I SUPPORT ORGAN DONATION"