On 26th January 2020, MOHAN Foundation was invited by Akruthi Township, Boduppal on the occasion of 71st republic day celebration in their residential association to give an awareness session on organ donation and its importance in our country. There were more than 25 families for the awareness program.
Dr. Bhanu Prakash, Transplant Co-coordinator of MOHAN Foundation, started session with an introduction of MOHAN Foundation and the importance of organ donation in current scenario. Participants were families, so they had many doubts and misconceptions regarding organ donation. All the doubts that the participants had were clarified by Dr. Bhanu.
Participants were interested to hear the concepts of organ donation and to promote about organ donation. Everyone came up to register for organ donation and picked up the donor cards. They assured that they would create awareness within their neighborhoods and at their workplace.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad