On 11th August 2016 Navjeevan Group conducted an awareness dive at Malviya National institute of Technology, J.L.N Road Jaipur. Dr. Harlal Singh Mali Ji On the behalf of M.N.I.T. welcomed NAVJEEVAN Team and thanked all the members for their presence. Team members Dr. Anita Hada, Mr. Ravi Kamra, Mr. Anil Baxi, Mrs. Hemlata Shah, Avinash Gautam, Roshan Bahadur attended the seminar on the behalf of NAVEJEEVAN.
Dr. Anita Hada sangwan gave a presentation on Organ donation and explained various aspects of organ donation, and answered for many queries raised by students. What is brain death, who can donate organs, what organs can be donated? More than 200 Students attended. The presentation given by Dr. Anita Hada was really very heart touching and motivating thus all the students pledged for social cause of organ donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad