As part of the Times of India campaign on Organ Donation, MOHAN Foundation was invited by the principal of Amrita Vidhyalayam, Nesapakkam to conduct an awareness session on Organ Donation. The session was conducted on August 2nd 2016, in the school audio visual room for 9th standard students. MOHAN Foundation was resented by Dr Hemal and Mr. P. Periyanayakam, Mr. karthk from Times of India and the school librarian, Mrs Andal organised the session.
One of the students, Shruthi greeted the gathering and welcomed MOHAN Foundation staff to the school. Dr. Hemal gave a talk on the concepts of organ donation. In her talk she explained the following points:-
The talk was followed by a Quiz on Organ Donation, all students who answered were rewarded with a donor badge. This was followed by a poem recital by Mr. Periyanayagam and a short film on organ donation. The school thanked MOHAN Foundation for the effort.
Questions asked by students-
Can brain be donated?
Is a living donor healthy after donation?
How can part liver be donated?
Around 130 students and 8 teachers attended the talk. All teachers picked a donor card.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad