Mr. Sudhir Dewan Director Chandigarh MOHAN Foundation made on air session on Radio City Karnal [Haryana]. During the National Heart week this program was organised by Radio City Karnal.
It was a Live Bytes Session on Organ Donation was played by Radio City Karnal. It was simultaneously broadcasted in their Special program “Dil De Kar Dekho”.
Live Bytes Session aimed to promote the cause of Organ Donation more so Heart Donation} and to encourage listeners to pledge their organ on the National Heart Week.
R. J Aman very popular Radio Jockey in a very large audience to his program message of Organ Donation went across to a good numbers of population of Karnal.
Broadcasted twice on National Heart Week. i.e on 30th September at 8pm and 1st October at 8am.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad