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Awareness Session on Organ Donation at Ryan International School, Navi Mumbai

Updated on Tuesday, September 11, 2018
  • On 20th August 2018, MOHAN Foundation Mumbai was invited by Times of India, as part of the TOI-KokilabenDhirubhaiAmbani Hospital Organ Donation Drive, for an awareness talk on organ donation at Ryan International School, Navi Mumbai for 11th and 12th standard students.


    The TOI representative introduced by sharing that many people are dying due to organ failure as they do not get the organs in time due to lack of awareness on the subject. A few years back, people were not aware of eye donation but now the awareness has improved sizeably due to various awareness campaigns.  He then introduced MOHAN Foundation as an NGO that has been working in the field of deceased organ donation since the past 20 years. He then handed over the dais to Ms. Jigisha Yadav.


    She then explained the meaning of MOHAN as on acronym for “Multi Organ Harvesting Aid Network” and shared its mission and objectives.


    Concepts of organ donation, types of death, the organs and tissues that can be donated after cardiac death and after brain death, the concept of brain death, difference between brain death and coma were all covered. The myths and facts pertaining to organ donation were discussed.


    Around 140 students attended the session. A few queries were raised and were satisfactorily answered.


    We thank Mr.Shardul and Mr. Rahul of Times of Indiafor inviting us and for supporting the cause of Organ Donation.

    Source-Ms. Jigisha Yadav
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