Awareness Session on Organ Donation at Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai

Updated on Friday, August 30, 2013
  • On 24th August, 2013 an awareness session on organ donation was organised at Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai. The session was organised for the students who are members of the Red Ribbon Club. The session was conducted by Ms. Kavitha. S, Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation, Chennai.


    The session focussed on the following topics: need for organ donation; types of organ donation; what are the organs and tissues that can be donated; when can organ donation take place; about brain death and about the importance of signing the donor card. A video was screened in which a recipient talks about his experience and a flash presentation on deceased organ donation was also screened. These videos further inspired the students to support the cause. Few of the queries raised were: can a person suffering from a communicable disease donate his/her organs and what is the rate of rejection of an organ after transplantation.


    A total of 100 students participated in the session. A total of 50 students pledged their organs and promised to carry their signed donor cards. The students also expressed their interest in volunteering to spread awareness about organ donation. 

    Source-Joshi Sheba
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