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Awareness Session in the Urban Health Training Centre of GMCH Nagpur

Updated on Thursday, June 13, 2019
  • On 12th June 2019, MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness session on organ donation at the Urban Health Training Centre, Dept. of Community Medicine in Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur. Dr. Bhagyashri Sonpinpade (RMO) Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi (Transplant Coordinator - MOHAN Foundation) led the session. Around 11 people, including the Medical Superintendent Dr. Shashikant Naphde, a few lecturers and PG students participated in the workshop.

    Introduction of the participants and a welcome address kicked off the session. The Community Medicine Department is also the of the part of GMCH where vaccinations are administered to children and pregnant women are given information about diet plans, child nutrition, advantages of breast feeding, etc. These types of programmes are organized for poor families and general OPD.

    Ms. Prarthana introduced MOHAN Foundation and Transplants Help the Poor Foundation as not for profit organisations working for the cause of organ donation. Various concepts such as cardiac death, brain death; organs & tissues that can be donated in either cases of death; tissues that can be donated (cornea, skin, bones, etc.) were covered and how we promote them.

    The aspect of how many lives can be saved/healed through organ and tissues donation was covered through examples of successful transplant stories, articles and news about green corridor. Dr. Shashikant gave us additional information about living donation and deceased donation.

    Ms. Prarthana highlighted a few myths surrounding deceased organ donation and explained the corresponding facts. She described the importance of discussing organ donation with the family and importance of carrying a donor card in one’s purse or wallet. Questions related to topics like eye donation and a few others were raised. We thank Dr. Sanjeev Chaudhary (In-charge Doctor) Dr. Vrishali for supporting the cause of organ donation.

    Source-Prarthana Dwivedi
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