On 23rd May 2019, MOHAN Foundation in collaboration with Transplants – Help the Poor Foundation, conducted an awareness session on organ donation at G.M.C.H Nagpur. It was held by Dr Puja (RMO) and Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi (Transplant Coordinator).
Ms. Prarthana introduced MOHAN Foundation and Transplants Help the Poor Foundation as not for profit charities working for the cause of organ donation. Various concepts such as cardiac death, brain death were elaborated. The organs and tissues (e.g. cornea, skin, bones) that can be donated in either cases of death were listed out.
The aspect of how many lives can be saved and healed through organ and tissues donation respectively was covered through examples of successful transplant stories, articles and news about green corridor.
Ms. Prarthana shared some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding deceased organ donation and explained the relevant facts. She described the importance of discussing organ donation within the family and carrying donor card in purse or wallet. Around 12 people, including Nurses, Paramedic staff and the Resident Doctors of the TCC ward participated in the session.
We thank Dr Pavitra Patnaik (Neurosurgeon) Dr Soma Chand, In-charge Sister Mrs Marape and Dean Dr S. Mitra for supporting the cause of Organ Donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad