Awareness Session On Organ Donation At Robert Bosch Engineering & Business Solution Employees
On 18th October, 2013 an awareness session on organ donation was organized for the employees of Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions, Bengaluru.
Ms.Smeja Paul, Project Manager, MOHAN Foundation, Bangalore gave a talk on organ donation to the employees of Robert Bosch Engineering & Business Solution on 18th October 2013. The talk started with sharing the knowledge of the participants on organ donation. After that Ms.Smeja explained the concepts of organ donation, legal aspects attached to it and the Concept of Brain death. She focused on how a common citizen of our country can contribute and promote the cause. The talk was followed by an interactive session with individual employees where they came to sign up the Donor Card.
A total of 23 employees participated in the session and 21 of them signed the donor card
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad