On December 29, 2024, the MOHAN Foundation organized a heartwarming and impactful event – the Kids' Cyclothon, aimed at raising awareness about the life-saving power of organ donation. The event saw 57 enthusiastic children take part, along with 40 supportive parents, all coming together to promote this noble cause. The children brought creativity to the event by decorating their bicycles with inspiring messages about organ donation, which not only added a fun element to the day but also spread powerful messages of hope and kindness.
The day’s highlight was an engaging and informative awareness session led by Ms. Jaya. She started by asking the children a few questions to gauge their knowledge of organ donation, and to her delight, the kids actively participated. Many of them showed keen interest, eagerly listening and asking insightful questions. Ms. Jaya then proceeded to explain what organ donation is and why it is so important, simplifying complex concepts in a way that the children could easily understand.
Her session was filled with inspiring stories, including her own experience as an organ recipient, which left a profound impact on the children. They were moved by the thought that organ donation can save lives and restore hope, and many expressed their desire to learn more and support the cause.
Following the children's session, Ms. Jaya conducted a second session for the parents, offering more detailed information about organ donation, including its significance, the process involved, and how individuals and families can contribute to the cause. The parents were equally motivated, and many were inspired by the children's enthusiasm for organ donation.
As a result of the event, 7 individuals pledged to become organ donors, a significant accomplishment in spreading awareness about the importance of this life-saving act. In total, 97 individuals attended the event, making it an overwhelmingly successful and impactful initiative.
The Kids' Cyclothon 2024 not only provided a fun and engaging experience for children and their families but also played a pivotal role in raising awareness about organ donation, inspiring the next generation to understand and contribute to this noble cause. The event successfully showcased the power of education, community involvement, and the collective commitment to saving lives through organ donation.
On December 29, 2024, the MOHAN Foundation organized a heartwarming and impactful event – the Kids' Cyclothon, aimed at raising awareness about the life-saving power of organ donation. The event saw 57 enthusiastic children take part, along with 40 supportive parents, all coming together to promote this noble cause. The children brought creativity to the event by decorating their bicycles with inspiring messages about organ donation, which not only added a fun element to the day but also spread powerful messages of hope and kindness.
The day’s highlight was an engaging and informative awareness session led by Ms. Jaya. She started by asking the children a few questions to gauge their knowledge of organ donation, and to her delight, the kids actively participated. Many of them showed keen interest, eagerly listening and asking insightful questions. Ms. Jaya then proceeded to explain what organ donation is and why it is so important, simplifying complex concepts in a way that the children could easily understand.
Her session was filled with inspiring stories, including her own experience as an organ recipient, which left a profound impact on the children. They were moved by the thought that organ donation can save lives and restore hope, and many expressed their desire to learn more and support the cause.
Following the children's session, Ms. Jaya conducted a second session for the parents, offering more detailed information about organ donation, including its significance, the process involved, and how individuals and families can contribute to the cause. The parents were equally motivated, and many were inspired by the children's enthusiasm for organ donation.
As a result of the event, 7 individuals pledged to become organ donors, a significant accomplishment in spreading awareness about the importance of this life-saving act. In total, 97 individuals attended the event, making it an overwhelmingly successful and impactful initiative.
The Kids' Cyclothon 2024 not only provided a fun and engaging experience for children and their families but also played a pivotal role in raising awareness about organ donation, inspiring the next generation to understand and contribute to this noble cause. The event successfully showcased the power of education, community involvement, and the collective commitment to saving lives through organ donation.