On 11th June, 2015 MOHAN Foundation was invited by Inspector Shri Arumugam of Avadi Police Recruitment School (PRS) to conduct a training programme for the sub-inspectors and head constables. This program held at Police Training College, Ashok Nagar, Chennai. 38 sub-inspectors, inspectors and head constables with an experience from 3 to 15 years participated in the one hour interaction. It was a part of the “Discipline and Decorum in Discharge of Duties” Training.
Dr. Hemal Kanvinde from MOHAN Foundation spoke on brain death and organ donation. She also spoke of the law and the government orders that assist multi organ donation. Recalling real life cases, the need for swift action from investigating officer was emphasised. The confirmatory test for brain death was explained – through a breathing exercise. A few case studies which highlighted the role of the police men during the MLC were discussed. A Quiz program was conducted to help them to recall the concepts which they learnt in the first session. Ms. Persis Sekar, intern at MOHAN Foundation translated some parts of the talk and conducted the quiz.
Finally, all the policemen agreed to help the transplant cocoordinators in the time of inquest for a brain death-multi organ donation case. Information brochures were distributed and they all took the donor card.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad