MOHAN Foundation conducted a student volunteer program called “Angels of Change” in Anna Adarsh School, Anna Nagar on 01st July 2017 at 08:30am for 25 students of class IX. Dr. Hemal Kanvinde and Mr. Siva Shankar represented MOHAN Foundation. Teachers also attended the training. Green ribbons, the resource book and the DVD’s were issued to the students.
Dr. Hemal Kanvinde gave a small introduction about MOHAN Foundation and its activities for the past 20 years. Mr. Siva Shankar gave an elaborate presentation on Concepts about Organ Donation and explained about why we need public support for the cause. He further how organs that can be donated at the time of three stages such as while living, after cardiac death or natural death, and in the event of Brain Death. At the end of the talk a small role play was enacted to explain the process of organ allocation.
Dr. Hemal Kanvinde explained the contents that is been given in the book so that the students will have a detail information about what Mr. Siva Shankar has conveyed in the presentation. The students were divided into groups for preparing Posters, Public talk, Public survey and events. Each group were given a time frame to get their tasks done and come with their outputs and ideas. A few teachers registered as donor and picked their donor cards.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad