The fourth session for the volunteers being trained under "Angels of Change" initiative was conducted on September 10, 2015 in MOHAN Foundation office, Gurgaon.
This is the final phase of the training where volunteers were asked to prepare their own presentations which they will use to conduct public awareness talks/sessions in the future. This activity was designed to help the trainers assess the level of knowledge gained by the volunteers during the training imparted to them and also to judge their readiness to address an external audience. It was also to evaluate the accuracy of the information that the volunteers give.
Three of the volunteers - Amit Sharma, Aman Tandon and Mr N K Agarwal - made their presentations. The same were observed by Ms Pallavi Kumar, Dr Muneet Kaur Sahi and Chaitanya Jonker.
The presentations were looked at critically. Feedback was given on the basis of the content & organization of the presentation, validity & accuracy of the information given in each slide and the overall presentation of the volunteer. Tips on how they could connect with their audience, how they could keep the length of the talk just right and how they could make their talk more interesting were also discussed.
Post their presentations and considering the above points, the volunteers were given suggestions how they could improve upon the content and way of presentation. They were asked to send their presentations incorporating the inputs given.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad